www.ecoolives.eu – project website available soon
Production and Marketing of Organic Olives and Olive Oil
EcoOlives project addresses the needs of olives farmers and olive oils producers.
The main objectives are:
- to enhance the development opportunities and boost the growth potential of EU olive farmers and olive oil producers by entering a market of organic olives and olive oil (OO&OO);
- to develop specific knowledge and competences in the EU olive farmers and olive oil producers to produce and promote OO&OOs by providing a transversal, multidisciplinary and tailor-made training on organic olives and olive oil production, pest control and promotion;
- to remind and develop awareness that the olives and olive groves are part of the cultural and historical heritage of the country;
- to encourage the application of organic farming and production approaches among new and existing olive farmers and olive oil producers;
- to promote a wider use of organic olives and olive oil among EU customers.
This Erasmus+ Project brings AVA Creations, together with other five partners from different European Countries for EcoOlives implementation:
The German-Italian Chamber of Commerce ITALCAM from Germany,
Molise verso il 2000 scrl from Italy,
Out of The Box Europe from Portugal,
the Municipality of La Palme Del Condado in Spain.
In order to implement project objectives, as results EcoOlives will focus on an interactive training course development, thanks to EcoOlives e-learning platform, a manual for trainers and a guide on certification of organic olives and olive oil. Each partner from the EcoOlives project team will create certain sections and units of the training course to ensure international coverage and context. An interactive repository section with tests and exercises are also part of the envisaged project results.
The project duration began effectively in January 2022 and it is expected to be completed by the end of July 2024.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.