EcoOlives final products at a Glance in Plovdiv

Dear olive and EVOO lovers, we are glad to share that the final versions of the EcoOlives project results are finalised and will be presented to the wider audience at EcoOlives final event!

Come and join us!

What to expect?

Panel 1: EcoOlives project at a glance – project partners, objectives, meetings, experience. Project results presentation – learning modules; online learning platform; manual for Trainers; Certification booklet. Erasmus+ program opportunities presentation.

Panel 2: Extra Virgin Olive Oils matter! – EVOO Sommelier presentation

Panel 3: Olive Oils Tasting with food pairing

Panel 4: Musical Gig


Date: 18th July 2024, after 6 pm

At Terzo Mondo Plovdiv

This event is with FREE admission.

We kindly ask you to register in advance by 17/07/2024 for the Olive oils tasting, as there is limited capacity number of participants who can join this session. Please refer to the EcoOlives Poster invitation details.

Thank you for joining, we value your time, and you are amazing!

The project EcoOlives will end by the 31st of July 2024 so some modifications and updates will take place by the end of the month.

It is FREE. Register for the EcoOlives Training Course platform here!

2024, AVA`s Team

Work4Future Workshops on the way!

During the last two months, AVA’s Team are focused on finalisation of the Work4Future project results, namely fine tuning and pilot testing with target group representatives from Bulgaria, the main project outcomes:

Guide on team management – all training modules and activities;

– Guide for coaches – the WebQuests

Work4Future platform structure and functionalities.

It is FREE. Register for the Work4Future Training Course! Right after Free registration into the Platform, you will receive access to the Training Activities organised in 6 chapters:

In order to inform the audience about the objectives and to make project results visible not only to the core target group of SMEs and employees, but also to other organizations which can promote the project within their own networks – universities, science clubs, teachers, trainers, professionals, associations, a couple of multiplier events will be conducted in a hybrid way: in-person and online.

Upcoming events:

September 29th 2023 Work4Future Workshop at the DevFest Plovdiv’23 – AI/ML, Cloud Workshops during the Spinoff Bulgaria conference and online via Google Meet link. Address: Networking Premium Coworking Spaces – Rakovska 25 HQ Str., Sofia, Bulgaria. Start at 4pm. Free entrance.

October 4th 2023, Work4Future project presentation at Round table “Extracurricular activities as a bridge between secondary and higher education”, organised by Club Quant. Address: Technical University Sofia, Plovdiv branch – 25 Tsanko Diustabanov St, Plovdiv. Start at 2pm. Presence: Live event only. Free entrance.

Despite of your role and occupation field, in case you are intersted in the field of how to work remote and stay motivated and who want to know more about Team management, join us at the events! We appreciate your active participation!

The main objectives of the national promotional events are to achieve and cover to some extent the following:

  • to raise awareness and attract attention to the topic of team management, its importance for better competitiveness of the company and how it can be improved with Work4Future Tools; 
  • To enhance participants’ current knowledge on the innovative concepts to acquaint them with techniques and methods that can be later applied and followed; 
  • To familiarize the participants with Work4Future Guide, Guide for coaches and Work4Future platform, and how they can apply them in their work; 
  • To set up contacts with organizations that can ensure multiplication effect and sustainability of the project results on a national level.

Special thanks to who will inspire and suprise our Work4Future guests with nice and delicious catering!

You are all invited! More details:

This international Work4Future project is successfully approved by the European commission, under Erasmus+ program and the access to all project materials is free of charge! These Work4Future workshop events are with FREE admission.

Get in contact with our team for more information details and registration.

Looking forward meeting you at any of the Work4Future Workshops!

Thank you for joining, we value your time, and you are amazing!

2023, AVA’s Team

EcoOlives Project meeting in Bulgaria!

Production and marketing of organic olives and olive oil – EcoOlives project 4th meeting took place on 28.06 – 29.06.2023, in Sofia, Bulgaria, at venue: Hotel Eurostars Sofia City.

Eight representatives of the EcoOlives partnership from Germany, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Portugal and Bulgaria met for two days to discuss the project results development and to focus on the enhancement and finalisation of the Training Course materials, as well as to plan the next steps and all upcoming project activities.

Subject of discussion was the PR1 – EcoOlives Learning Model summary that will be made available on the project website The PR2 EcoOlives Training Modules are finalised and soon will be nicely designed and made ready for upload onto the EcoOlives project platform, which is now developed at Beta version. Materials and the platform will be subject of Testing in the next months, so that target group representatives to share their feedback and recommendations for improvement. EcoOlives will also develop a PR3 – EcoOlives Manual for Trainers and PR5 a Guidebook on Certification toward organic olives and EVOO production.

During the meeting, partners took part in lecture about Extra Virgin Olive Oil provided by a Tutor and Sommelier – Mrs. Anna Petkova – creator of My Pure Olive ~ olive oil sommelier ~ educator ~ consultant ~ author. Her activities are focused on olive oil master classes & tasting sessions; educator at HRC academy Bulgaria for culinary arts; column writer “Artichoke & olive oil” at Bacchus – a magazine for wine & gourmet culture; partnership with EVA lifestyle magazine – enhancing the awareness about EVOO, local & seasonal food; author of Sun & Olive oil (stories & recipes about fascinating flavours of the Mediterranean) – Anna’s 1st book & a practical guide into the world of olive oil; educator at olive, wine & travel forums; business consulting; organising & leading thematic dinners & events. She is an ambassador of the EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive oil) in Bulgaria.

The covered topics were: Gastro & cultural OO & OO traditions in Bulgaria; My Pure Olive Good practices – mission, education & experience; EVOO & food pairing – testing with 3 different extra virgin olive oils – Extra Virgin Olive oil from Bulgarian producer (with olives plants from Greece region Maroneia, so Greek EVOO); Croatian Bjelica from the Istria region and Turkish EVOO from the Aiyvalik region.

For the degustation, we AVA the hosts, ensured 3 different type of food – traditional Bulgarian dishes (Musse from butterbeans and roasted peppers; Patatnik) and a desert (Revane with rose water), but the recipes were made suitable for Vegan too, suggested by Mrs. Anna Petkova and realised by food creations and 3 varieties of Extra Virgin Olive oil from Bulgarian producer (with olives plants from Greece, so Greek EVOO); Croatian from the Istria region and Turkish EVOO from the Aiyvalik region purchased by

Stay tuned for the next steps!

AVAs Team

GreenTour Project in Italy!

On June 27th and 29th 2023, the third transnational meeting of the “Green Tour” project number 2021-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000028259 funded by the Erasmus+ program was held in Trani, Italy.

The partners from Romania, Cyprus, Spain and Bulgaria were hosted at the headquarters of the Petit Pas Aps association and met to continue working together with the aim of promoting a more eco-sustainable and green tourism focused on accessibility.

This meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to discover the city of Trani, accompanied by the EU-certified tourist guide Stefania de Toma who guided them on a visit to the historic center which ended in a dinner at the Locanda del Giullare, where the partners shared a new and unique experience at the conclusion of this third project meeting.

As conclusion, at this meeting the partners talked about finding effective strategies to carry out the realization of the project results and to plan the following phases of implementation through a meticulous organization of the project activities.

Stay tuned!

AVAs Team

GreenTour project new Web page!

Dear travelers and people interested in sustainable green tourism,

we inform you that our GreenTour project web page is now registered and very soon will be full of interesting posts and information about green measures and advises for accessible travel options in order to promote social inclusion with green tourism possibilities for people with disabilities.

Stay tuned!

AVAs Team

Work4Future Project PR1 Abstract is here!

Download and learn more about the Work4Future Project Result 1 accomplished!

Work4Future training framework Abstract presents the main parameters and methodology used for the Work4future Training Framework coverage definition.

Based on the conducted research and surveys in all partnership countries – France, Italy, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Greece, the Work4Future Training framework provides the basis for implementation and skeleton of the learning areas, instructions for minimum requirements and the necessary e-collaboration tools and manuals needed: Guide on team management & Guide for coaches, main results of the project . 

Work4Future Training Framework serves as a roadmap for the development of the Work4Future Training course methodology. You can request a full version of the Framework from the local Work4Future partner organisation. Please consider the Framework and this project result 1 document are available only in English.

Follow Work4Future project progress and recent updates:


AVAs Team

TAPROOM Final Products

Dear Beer Lovers, we are happy to announce the TAPROOM project outcomes are ready and finalised!

It is FREE. Register for the TAPROOM Training Course!

Enroll for the Online Training in Production and Marketing of Organic and Craft Beer in English, German, French, Italian or Bulgarian language:

Right after Free registration into the Platform, you will receive access to the Training Modules in 10 chapters.

You will receive free access to Manual for Trainers a guidebook for teacher and for the supporting organizations wishing to use the TAPROOM course. It provides trainers & consultants with both the theory necessary to apply the TAPROOM approach and the step-to-step guidance to carry out the training activities and platform navigation.

Despite of your role and occupation field, in case you are beer lover who wants to know more about beer making and its marketing contact us! We appreciate your active participation in the TAPROOM Training Course and AVAs Team can guide you during the training completion!

And Some More…

TAPROOM project was successfully implemented in Bulgaria and in 4 other countries: Malta, Belgium, Italy, Germany, countries with great beer traditions!

As next steps we will seek to promote beer as part of the art and intangible cultural heritage of the EU. You can do the same while undergoing this TAPROOM training! Thus, you can test and enrich your knowledge in Modules Quiz on Beer thematic!

Thank you for joining, we value your time, and you are amazing!

2023, AVA’s Team

EcoOils products at a Glance!

Dear aromatic plants and essential oils lovers, we are glad to share that the final versions of all developed EcoOils results are available! EcoOils multilingual training course in a form of 11 online Modules, organised in 5 chapters:

Chapter 1: Producing and transforming Aromatic Plants in Organic Agriculture

Chapter 2: How to market Organic Aromatic Pants (OAP) & (OEO) Organic Essential Oils

Chapter 3: Digital technology in the practice of OAP/OEO professionals today

Chapter 4: Territorial impact of OAP/OEO production

Chapter 5: Economical issues and business model for OAP/OEO

It is FREE. Register for the EcoOils Training Course!

Enroll for the EcoOils Training Course:

EcoOils YouTube Channel

We activate EcoOils YouTube channel with more than 30 videos! Check them out! There you will find interviews of professionals and practical video tutorials to offer learning content, information, knowledge and opportunities in more dynamic, interactive content.

EcoOils Tools

The Manual for trainers a guidebook for the trainers and for the supporting organizations wishing to use the EcoOils course. It provides trainers & consultants with both the theory necessary to apply the EcoOils approach and the step-to-step guidance to carry out the training activities in the virtual environment.

The Manual for Learners is meant to help learners use the online plaform, better understand the content of the course and organize their work easily.

Brochure at a Glance

Learn more about all undergone EcoOils activities and download our brochure.